Friday, April 19, 2013

Adios to Chile...Peru here we come

Lust lunch in Coquimbo, fish fresh from the sea with crispy French fries...
Line up to rejoin the Veendam - whilst I listened to the local brassband who was giving a concert on the pier
Benny Goodman and swinging away....
The youngest member of the Municipal Band
90 years young and still blowing strong...
Coquimbo, not a wealthy resort town, many homes look less than modest
Cliff side residences...switch backs lead up the hill side
Fishing fleet in the bay below Coquimbo, with an impressive soccer stadium in the background
Late afternoon and the sun warmed up the container dock. The Municipal Brass Band of Coquimbo, usually playing Sunday concerts all day in the gazebo on the main square, had gathered on the dock for a Farewell concert for the Veendam.
All tour buses seemed to return at the same time, ergo the line up to get back aboard grew to several hundred meters in length. Much better than standing in line is to mingle with the musicians and the supporters and family members of the band.
The youngest member was about 6 or 7 years, and played beside his dad. The oldest had passed ninety and was playing along with his other senior co-trumpeters.
The drummer put our on board drummers to shame...all around a rousing experience, as they loved Benny Goodman big band sound - and played extremely well with a definite swing to it.
And off we sailed into the sunset for two days at sea...