Saturday, February 12, 2011

For the Love of Minis - Happy Valentine's Day

A mile or so from my house, a good dozen plus of these dog sized fur balls live the easy life on a tiny 'farm' with a postage sized 'field' located between the farm house and the country road passing by.

Not only are these lovable little critters protected from the elements by thick pelts, but also by what could be called colourful dog blankets. But, their fashionable attire is actually 'specialized' to stay put during rolls in the hay/grass/mud, occasional disagreements of the equine kind, and moments of frisky frolicking. Well, they stay put most of the time...

The whole gaggle plodded with tiny clipped steps over to the gate (adorned with a sign requesting 'Please!Don't Feed Us') where I was admiring them, empty handed of course, except for my camera.

Roly-poly as they are, the last thing they would need is another 'treat'.

Vacillating between curiosity and caution - curiosity won out.

Better check this out - just in case there is a forbidden carrot in the offing.

A four legged target for Weight Watchers.

Even in the midst of 'winter' the coiffure is up to trend...half of the unruly mane is trimmed off

A total of 13 of them, and room to spare

Obviously not a 'specialized' garmet

Debating who should receive the bulk of attention

Horse Whisperings....Happy Valentine's Day!