And the news:
La Presidenta Cristina is recovering from her thyroid cancer operation - but post operative tests show, that she did not have cancer after all...sigh of relief by all. Inquiry as to diagnostic error will probably cost in the affected segments of government...
Messi, the Boca, Argentina, soccer hero, is honoured in Barcelona with another Golden Football for being the best player of the year. La Pulga - the flea - as he is known just wishes for a world championship game now.
A Federal (Police) was 'riddled with bullets' in front of his wife. He was trying to prevent an attack on an ice cream parlor.
Subway Union members protest 'on the side of the passengers' by disabling all turnstyles for another week, and one rides gratis.
Anniversary of 'Gauchito Gil's' death brought a couple of hundred thousand pilgrims to Mercedes in the Province of Corrientes.
Gauchito Gil, official name Antonio Mamerto Gil Nunez, was born in 1840 and was hanged from his feet and 'degollado' (either throat cut or disembowelled) on 8 Jan 1878.
He is revered as a popular 'Saint' by thousands of Argentinians. The catholic church does not recognize his existence.
The allegedly true story - amongst many embellished versions: Gauchito Gil, a working class gaucho/cowboy had an affair with a rich widow. Her brothers, and the local chief of police, who also courted her, were not pleased. To escape his domestic problems, Gauchito Gil went to war, the Guerra Triple Allianza 1864-1870, where he fought for a while. Being a civil war, he finally refused to fight against 'his brothers' and was condemned as a deserter.
Now for the legend...
Gauchito Gil was condemned to hang and be disembowelled. Just before he was executed, he alledegly said to the hangman: 'A letter is on the way, declaring me innocent.'
The hangman responded: 'That won't save you today.'
Gauchito Gil then warned the executioner, that another letter arriving the same post as his letter of pardon, would inform the hangman that " Your son is mortally ill. But if you pray to God, in my name of Gil, the child will be saved. Because: the blood of an innocently killed man will work miracles, and I am an innocent man.'
And so it went. Gauchito was duly hanged and cut up.
The hangman performed the recommended prayer.
The kid recovered.
The hangman went back to the scene of the execution, recovered the body, and buried him 8 km away in Mercedes.
It is today a shrine and annual destiny for thousands of BELIEVING pilgrims.

The colour red (colour of the Autonomista Party of Corrientes) is HIS colour. Pilgrims arrive in anything red, most with images of Gauchito Gil imprinted on the chest. They wave red flags, light red candles, and dance to Chamane Music (folk dance of the region). Gauchito Gil is considered a Happy Saint, despite his dire fate, and pilgrims dance around his shrine heat or no heat.
They file past his little painted gipsum statue, pray in front of it, touch it, cry over it, take photos with their cell phones, and tell stories of miracles Gauchito Gil has performed for their families...incredible recoveries from even more incredible afflictions.

Gauchito Gil was eternalized as well on a postge stamp.
It is said, that if a car passes a shrine to Gauchito Gil, the driver has to sound the horn. Else, he may not arrive safely at his destination.
Families make the trek to Mercedes year after year, expressing eternal gratitude for one of Gauchito Gil's miracles. They come in vans, old wrecked cars, buses, motor bikes, by horse and on foot. Some armed with tarps to serve as 'hotel', all with candles, coolers with food, portable parillas, musical instruments...and the whole thing appears like one big red tinted party.
Never mind, that the Pope does not recognize Gauchito Gil's miraculous saintly merits - to his Argentinian Faithful he is considered Their Saint.
Here is a little more information on the Little Gaucho Gil.
...and my home internet connection is still fried....
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