Argentinian Heat Wave Entertainment - Photo Yahoo Argentina
Cattle stressed out, wild fires, farmers losing their crops, 80.000 people per day enter the putrid waters of Rio de la Plata threading their way between mountains of repulsive detrius to 'refresh' themselves in the river, despite prohibitions and warnings; there is a competition in a beach city for the 'mejor culo de verano' - 'best female backside of the summer'...and bum-floss fashion does not leave much to the imagination.
Es verano en Argentina - it is summer in Argentina. Sobrevivimos - we will survive.

Draught....Photo Clarin, Buenos Aires
And for the City, the Clarin says:
La noche fue infernal. Y la mañana… También. La ola de calor no da tregua y vuelve a castigar con crudeza a porteños y habitantes del Gran Buenos Aires que padecen -una vez más- una jornada agobiante. Es que el ascenso de la temperatura parece no tener fin: apenas pasado el mediodía, la sensación térmica superaba la temperatura máxima prevista por el Servicio Meteorológico para hoy (de 37°) y rozaba los 39 grados.
Infernal night, infernal day. Heat wave is punishing Portenos with another oppressive day. The rise in temperature seems to know no end. Temperatures will exceed 39 degrees, more than the 37 degrees predicted by the weather service.
When outside tables in sidewalk cafes are empty, with everyone hiding inside where airconditioning makes life bearable, and traffic zebra stripes are softly liquifying in the heat, men, normally dressed impeccably in jacket, shirt and ties, sport chinos and open necked shirts, and the women wear even less than normal - it is HOT-HOT-HOT.
Tango lessons are off for today, not because of the potentially steamy work out, but because of the commute in either bus, underground or taxi to the tango venue - all transportation means are probably very uncomfortable today. Albeit, the SUBTE union is still letting everyone ride free in protest of the fare increase.
My apartment is cool, I do not even use my airconditioner. Good accommodation planning pays off - the windows face away from the mid day sun, and 'persianas' cover all of them, keeping rooms cool and soothingly darkened.
Even my Internet 'cooled' down again, and WiFi works.
Slow day in the news. Even the brotherly love-in between Chavez of Venezuela and Ahmadinejad of Iran, which is taking place right now in Caracas Miraflores Palace during Ahmadinejad's tour of South America, is no match for the weather reporting. Both heads of state are in agreement on the fighting the 'Locura Imperialista', sending conspirational glances northward to the Estados Unidos.
It appears that he is not visiting Argentina. But then, the recuperating Presidenta is close friends with Chavez....confusing.
But, relief in sight - hail and thunderstorms creeping over the horizon...