Saturday, November 9, 2013

Afternoon Entertainment Areco Festival

Somewhat dreary with the ever present threat of yet another downpour, one of the river side parks in Areco was still devoid of crowds. But, the 'Tourist Office' at one end of the park showed signs of life. A number of plastic chairs lined up around the brick patio  of the office under the trees of the park, were filled with people watching a theatre performance by a local troupe about gaucho life - caricatured and supported by foam plastic puppets

Here is one of the actors working a puppet mounted on a stick, manipulated with lines but with 'human hands' which gesticulated to emphasize the dialogue.

No gaucho can be without his caballo, and so it goes for this performance as well...

And the real ones ride by along the town's street and wave to their friends

Park parking lot for caballos

Checking out the 'chicas'

Young spectator following the action on 'stage'

Areco is going green, greener then the lush parks. Cans for
Wet, patogenic and dry garbage...

Trying to join the play from the side of the stage

Time for some 'baillecitos folkloricos'. The chairs are removed from the patio, everyone moves onto the grass chairs and all, and the dancing - for public enjoyment - commences: Chacareras, gatos, valsitos, zambas, many variations to mention, and the local dancers get of their plastic chairs and dance with intense concentration and enjoyment, never losing eye contact with their partners

Street dogs everywhere, extremely well fed. Well, with all the parillas along the streets (BB Q's) there is a lot of meat to be found, and these creatures get so full, they have to take a digestive rest beside the park patio

With the sun peeking out, the dance floor is lit with a play of light and shadow

Chamame, probably the most enjoyable and 'happy' dance of all the Argentine Folk dances - quick, lively, simple and full of 'allegria'

The coachman of the 'tourist coaches' got off his perch to join the dancers - good thing, as he could use a little movement to get into better dancing shape. But note, the 'facon', the knife stuck into the rear part of his belt, is almost never absent on the 'pilchas' (clothes) of a gaucho

And so it goes, for a few hours. Make hay when the sun shines...Weather forecast is such, that all equine events (which are the main draw and purpose of the fiesta) have been cancelled for the next two days. A major disappointment, but wet footing would make rodeos too dangerous. As for the 'desfile', the Sunday parade of gauchos and all their horse troops, not only wet footing here in Areco suspended that event, BUT the gauchos cannot leave their ranches with their loaded horse trailers. Too much 'barro' mud on the dirt country roads to drive anywhere. I have seen those roads after heave rain, and they just as well may be deep rivers of brown mud - nothing gets through. Even the most ambitious truck ad would have to give up...

In the meantime, the audience of all ages, shapes and back ground enjoys the show

Helped of course, by the ever present fixings for mate tea: the hierba (tea) the mate cup and bombilla, and a thermos with hot water.
A bit of folkloric music in a corner bar, helped along with a good serving of parilla meat and a good Argentine wine, closes the evening - or better the morning. In these places, the evening outings rarely ever stop before the 'madrugada', early, early morning.