Monday, February 18, 2013

Buenos Aires Theory of Relativity

A good cure for the robbery blues....all is relative in life. My insignificant one-in-a-thousand theft becomes insignificant, when compared with other Buenos Aires daily events.

Riding the Bus....
A busload of soccer players, leaving a football field after a game against the opposition of the day, was targeted for a bit of team revenge. A number of cars, carrying armed soccer fans of said opposition opened fire on the visiting team, when their bus drove away from the Stadium. Bus windows were smashed, bullets lodged in seats and - miraculously - no one was injured.

Sick Theft...
Compared to being robbed of a cell phone, the theft - in broad daylight - of a fully equipped ambulance is a little more costly. Almost brand new, Mercedes, a couple of hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment...just driven off from the hospital lot.
Miraculously, the ambulance turned up again with the number plate changed. Rumor has it, that the thieves needed a mobile hospital for one of their sick/injured 'companeros', who had convincing reasons not to visit a regular hospital.

Remember the antique Subway Line A in Buenos Aires? The wagons dating back to 1913 have been retired and are now parked in a yard, awaiting future restoration into historic artifacts and libraries.
But, even rail cars are not safe from ingenious thieves: parts of these cars, such as the original slatted wooden seats, control consoles and other little souvenirs appear on the equivalent of E-Bay and are sold to the highest bidder.
Illegally - of course.
Prices are high enough to inspire further deconstruction....
Even you may be able to own a piece of Buenos Aires history

Miraculously, Hugo Chavez has returned from Cuba, and is now installed in a military hospital in Caracas. No one knows for sure, whether he is the 'Heart of the Venezuelan People' in person, or a double.
Considering, he has been under intensive care, skirting a date with the grim reaper, since his latest cancer operation in early December, he looks pretty healthy. Here he is shown with his two daughters, supposedly from his hospital bed, reading a newspaper dated a couple of days ago.

Diego Armando Maradona, Soccer God, born in 1960, divorced, grandfather scored one of his major goals at the home front just before he left a few months ago for Dubai, where he now coaches a local team: Macho
Man left a very pretty senorita 'encinta' - expecting.

The Happy Couple: La Novia, the girlfriend, just gave birth to little Dieguito weighing almost 7 pounds at birth. Mother and son are well, and the Nation is happy. Don Diego is planning a visit to Argentina - he says - to see the latest family addition.

Not only light standards in urban streets fall over, but unfortunately construction cranes as well.
Today one of them collapsed onto the roof of an unfinished project in Puerto Madero, killing one worker, and injuring two.

Photos - published by Clarin (local newspaper) TN Television and Google -  on the Web......
So - all is relative. Bigger events than the loss of a wireless device are shaping history down here...