Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 Jan 2011 - Fort Lauderdale Interlude

The last of the weekly lay-overs in Fort Lauderdale, where the ship disgorges most of the passengers of one week, and swallows up next week's travellers. A logistics marvel, that is executed with military precision - and endless pacience, politeness and smiles.
I took a water taxi to float through the intricate net of channels through Fort Lauderdale.
Not many comments required, but Fort Lauderdale is the self proclaimed World Capital of Yachting, and the well known World Capital of Home Foreclosures.
Dwellings on above photos may be 'For Sale', but not 'For Closed' - despite hefty property taxes (some of them levelling out at US$ 40,000 PER MONTH).
The multi million dollar yachts - if not tied up to private sea walls and art embellished private docks - moor in one of the hundreds of marinas. The cheapskates tie up at the municipal marina (fixed, not floating docks) at US$ 9 per foot per day, which still adds up for some of the smallish boats of 120 feet overall length, especially if they are idle for months at a time...but who is counting, the hired hands keep them polished and ready to cast off.