Saturday, April 26, 2014

19 April 2014, Korcula, Croatia

A little peninsula, enclosed by fortress walls


Just of the Dalmatian Coast lies the small island of Korcula, known as the greenest of the Adriatic. The Greeks settled here during the 6th century B.C. Croats and Venetians arrived later. Marco Polo is said to have been born here. The town of Korcula is built on a small peninsular, which one may circumnavigate on foot in about twenty minutes. It is enclosed by fortified walls, which were erected during the 15th century to protect against invading Greeks and Turks.
Venice was here...

Town Square

Winged Lion of Venice

Stepping into History

Emblem of the Double Headed Eagle

The Island has been ‘discovered’ by present day tourists, and some of its historic buildings have been modernised and house upscale hotels and dozens of restaurants and shops, which make for an interesting melange when combined with original medieval, renaissance and baroque buildings and churches dating back several centuries.

Saint with Slavic Features


For the shoppers – handmade original design filigree jewelry would top the list. It is still crafted by descendants of artisans who started the designs five hundred years ago.
Jewellery Designer at WOrk

One of his creations - a filigree ring with coral
However, the local wine, lace and embroidery, as well as stone carvings are worthy of attention. Cucarin, a local bakery, is famous all over the world for its concoctions made with various kinds of nuts – definitely worth every calorie!!
Marco Polo lived here - they say...

Cuarin, the bakery lady! No Euros accepted here, one has to pay with local currency, the Kuna, else the 'inspectors' descend upon her shop.

View across the Bay...