One bottle to the other: It's better we stay inside, nothing is happening outside...
City of Buenos Aires advertising on huge wall placards, the fact that daily garbage pick up is suspended for 24&31 December...
Let's enjoy a clean Buenos Aires, it says at the very bottom right

Absolutely nothing going on, so one sets out for a walk in the nearby Park, past another skyscraping monument replete with fountain. Traffic is so scant today, that one can actually get to the monument itself, as round about traffic is almost non existent.

Rio de La Plata detail
Meermaid detail...

Oops, there's a live one.
Quick freshening up in the fountain...

which proclaims at it's base that 'we all belong to the same tribe'...

Indigenous people, enjoying their day off work.

Roller blader enjoying her day in the sun.
The public parks are closed - it must be a 'non-day'. The notice at the entrance of the Zoo states: open every day of the year. This must be the only day of the year, that is not included in the 'every' bit.
Zoo animals glimpsed throught he fence and dense Bamboo hedges look puzzled and lonely. Where are hundreds of kids, with their little paws handing out treats?
On the outside - looking in.
This is - after all - a Zoo where feeding of the animals is almost mandatory, provided one feeds them with 'comida animalito' for sale everywhere inside the Zoo.

The Rosedal (rosegarden) is closed, too...

Peaceful, viewed from across the lagoon surrounding it, the Rosedal...

The Park Museum and Theatre...closed

Rosedal geese crowding the perimeter looking for treats...