Monday, May 25, 2015

Tango, Horses and Garden......

Little Vancouver Island is turning into a tango hot least three milongas per week, and a few dance seminars and workshops added in for good measure. The dancing legs keep moving....
Alejandra and Luciano, she from Mexico, he from Argentina, came back to the island to tune up the milongueros and milongueras....

Tango Art takes on a variety of styles from well dressed classics...

to somewhat underdressed Tango Nuevo....

Edible tango art....

...and Salvador Dali inspired drawings

All add up to illustrate the same passion 

Last Sunday's Post Milonga warm down from tango...
The 'homecoming queen' has returned from off site training, and now makes friends with two and four legged creatures.
Equine Kiss anybody?
A kind and tranquil eye...
And she has a strong and muscular little body....
Grazing and playing happily on grassy meadows...La Gordita on the very left.

Between tango, visiting horses, weeding gardens, pacifying sore muscles with a bit of 'gentle yoga', fixing a leaky roof - all that on a paradisic island - what else could one wish for.
Summer is more or less here....