Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Summer before Spring?

Perpetual vacation time, that's what living on Vancouver Island appears to be. Spring and summer seem to combine forces this year; it is difficult to remember that summer is still two months away - but temperatures and activities in Cowichan Valley have definitely taken on a summer hue.
Walks on the beach of course...sharing space with visiting birds.

Cherry Point Beach, strategically located close to Cherry Point Winery, Cherry Point Marina, Cherry Point Walking Trail, and Ron's Beachside serve yourself refreshment stand.

There are benches all along the beach, however, washed up tree trunks invite to rest stops during a walk. Low tide, shallow intertidal flats are exposed, the aroma of sea weed wafting in the air.

Beside the beach and a small parking lot - Ron's Place. It is even for British Columbia a bit of an oddity. A small open sided wooden hut houses a fridge (yes, a fridge), a 'library', coffee, tea and chocolate dispensers, chilled pop, eggs, freshly cut vegetables, preserves and scones....and the usual 'slot' to put ones payment for any goodies one chooses to take.

The Menu....and instructions what to do should you have no small change....
The Library
All the ingredients for a quick breakfast are here...and if you forgot cash, no problem. Ron's place provides tiny envelopes, small bits of paper and a couple of pencils, in order for you to leave an I.O.U. Paying at the next visit is allowed.
The Cashier...cash or I.O.U.

Ever so neat, a garbage bin is right by the table...


And for the after breakfast constitutional walk....low tide beach along Cowichan Bay...

One may watch BC Ferries using the Bay for man-over-board exercises.

Saturday Morning - Duncan Farmer's Market! Everbody AND their dogs turn up, even if Poochy is past his prime and travels in a pram.

The usual alignment of goods from the rural surroundings: flowers, meats, vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices, cheeses, breads. as well as pottery, doggie fashion and pet 'furniture'. However, the most noticeable draw to the market is the enticing aroma of freshly prepared food - anything from Egyptian specialties to Mexican Tapas and anything local organic in between. Mouth-watering...especially if paired with a sampling of our local Cowichan Valley wines (and there are lots to chose from at the Farmer's Market)

The latest doggie fashion to celebrate Canada Day - 50 dollar for a medium patriotic 'vest', hand sewn, reversible, built in harness, Velcro closure - designed for doggie elegance and comfort. If desired - made to measure!

A number of wood carvers show and sell their work...there are bird houses, Muskoka garden chairs, bowls, and stands for pet dishes....and more

The market stretches for a couple of blocks of closed streets. At the Town Hall's glorieta, on the porch of the local MLA's office and at street corners - Duncanites entertain with music.

Evening view from my front terrace....

Weekends of Tango, which is becoming ever more popular and well visited here on Vancouver Island. Milongas, dances, happen from almost Thursday to Sunday every week - spread over the southern section of Vancouver Island and Saltspring Island.
A video of Mother's Day Milonga in Nanaimo...visiting tangueros from Vancouver, Victoria, Saltspring Island, Gabriola Island, Duncan, Cobble Hill, Cumberland, Comox all meet up, mingle, dance and socialize.
Special Bonus for some of us after this particular milonga , a gourmet dinner at one of the dancer's home. Emphasis on GOURMET, it would have done honour to the very best and exclusive restaurant around....if not better.