Thursday, February 6, 2014

Glorious Antarctic Summer Day

3 Feb 2014 – Sunny Antarctica: Paradise Bay, Dalman Bay, Willemina Bay, Astrolabe Island.

Antarctica is usually whipped by strong winds, under low hanging clouds or blinding snow storms, but today we enjoy one in a million days. The ice pilot aboard ship remarked that in his thirty years of Antarctice life and travels he has never seen a perfectly clear day with mirror smooth seas as we enjoy today.

Without much explanation, may the photos speak for themselves.  Imagine them ten thousand times enlarged, with nothing but silence around, every magnificent scene mirrored below the horizon…..words are not adequate to describe it.


Whale descending into the deep

Blue Ice

Glacier Ice close up...not an imperfection in the crystalline sculpted piece

Immense Sky over a vast and magnificent land and seascape

Gentoos heading for the sea

Seal enjoying his private porch

Antarctic wind swept sky

An azure pool inside a large iceberg

Some of these mountains are over 3000 meters high - and are dwarfed in a photo

Surprisingly enough, there are a few scattered navigational aids in this remote area of the Antarctic Peninsular...seals and penguins enjoy the rocky outcrop

Sun - Sea - Sky - Glacier covered mountains

Huge Icebergs fill the still bays...

Over and over one is surprised and awed by the beauty and azure colour of icebergs

Reflection in an ice strewn sea

1/10th above and 9/10th below - imposing on either side

Vibrant blue foot of an iceberg

Chilean Base - the surrounding mountains and glaciers were visible for the first time for me. During the last two passages, it was blowing a blizzard, and one could hardly make out the outcrop of land, where the base is situated, never mind any of the surrounding landscape

The Chilean scientist went ashore and waved their National Flag...some only dressed in t-shirts

And the other inhabitants of the base - several tens of thousand of noisy, braying and smelly penguins, who totally ignore humans, machinery and buildings and carry on raising their young

Fat seals sun baking

And another gloriously hued mountain of ice...

Leopard seal, the most aggressive of Antarctic Seals, not even hesitating to attack humans above water or when diving into the Ocean

Flying the European Union Flag, the three-master motored it's way through the spectacular channels...