Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ready, aim......FLY!!!

The Mail came through, rain or shine. With my new visa in hand, I am ready to board my floating village home for the next few months. The Ship is going to be a little roomier than this vessel, that cruises below my window right now. Good day for fishing in the Satellite Channel ...
I am hoping for smooth seas (especially around Cape Horn) and sunny skies, just as our local boaters enjoy at present in the middle of January, with a heat wave reaching 10 degrees Celsius.

A milonga or two to go before flying off to Santiago, Chile. Have to keep the Tango spirit alive and 'caminaring' for the next few months. May have to settle for meringue, salsa, rumba, chachacha and samba instead...

A last mail pick-up run to Victoria, with a quick stop at a road side view point to take in the magnificent panorama from our very own mountain pass, the Malahat, over our fjord like Saanich Inlet towards the Olympic Mountains on the far side of Juan de Fuca Strait, shrouded in low lying fog.

Back at my little village, we have a 'bear alert'. Some poor bruin woke up from his winter sleep and stumbled across civilization for a little while, probably sleepwalking. I patrolled the area, no bear in sight, but hundreds of these ducks enjoying the water traps on the golf course, and nibbling at the pretty abundant green shoots of grass. It will all be here in full summer splendour, when I return.

So one is off again...seeking, searching, exploring, living the dream.

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