Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tigre on the Rio Plata - cruising through Delta Channels

No 'Mind your Wake' in this neck of the woods. We charged along narrow channels of brackish brown water - the Rio Plata is starting to mix with the waters of the South Atlantic here. Surprisingly tall trees and lush underbrush grow on the myriad of islets of the Delta, many of them forming verdant tunnels overhead.
It is unbelievable, that these constant and agressive wakes do not erode everything in site along shore....
Typical island home and dock in Tigre Delta. The channels have names, just like streets on land, and most houses have a name. I suppose that is how the delivery boats find their customers. There are tidal influences as well as wind influences on water level. Most front yards appear barely above water level, any encroachment of global warming may cause them to disappear altogether. Houses are built on stilt, and the 'basement' usually serves as storage for kayaks, canoes and various items not suffering from a bit of water logging every so often.
Delivery barge slowly churning its way through the waters
One who did not make it, rusting wreck in a small side arm of a channel. Note reeds growing out of brown water, indicative of it shallowness.
Coca Cola, bottled water....customers buy by tender on the right and from their docks at the left. Boats, when not used to embark or disembark, are suspended by lines between two poles, to avoid being damaged by constant wakes crashing the boats against the docks.
As in every community, land or river based, there has to be a little church. It must be pretty interesting on a Sunday, when neighbourhood faithful arrive with their watercraft for Sunday Mass.
Not to be forgotten: The Beer Barge....Quilmes here we come....
Quite magical, these narrow channels, with their towering trees and glimpses of blue sky.