Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tigre Delta Farm

Before heading back to Togre Marina, cruising through another watery path amongst
islands and confluences, we wandered across the 'pasture' of Andres 'chacra'.

After last week's flood, the neighbour's sheep have joined Andres' small livestock herds: consisting of a retired race horse and a few half wild criollo horses as well as a couple of very tame ponies. His cattle aggressive as most Argentinean bovines, were relegated safely 'to the hinterland' of the farm, where they would not be tempted to gore any visitors. 

Much of the pasture was littered with fallen tree trunks and half rotted stumps. Floods and storms take their toll, and delta farmers keep clearing their pastures. Most of these islands are bowl shaped, with the lowest above water level right in the centre of them.
Yellow Iris, bane of pasture land and common weed
As soon as our little troupe turned up in the field, this little character jumped every tree trunk in sight to join up and be petted. Followed us around like a little dog, with his moist nose nudging everyone to get attention. What a hairdo!!!
No Wake, almost no shoreline, but still trees and green grass. A slow 'drive by' of a neighbour's front yard, before returning to Tigre proper and a drive back to Buenos Aires.