Saturday, September 17, 2011

Commodore's Cruise of Maple Bay Yacht Club - gone to the dogs...

What a setting for an Evening Happy Hour!

Party Time..

16/17/18 September, the weekend where a whole flotilla of boats makes its way to Otter Bay Marina for the annual Commodore's Cruise, a good excuse for some mingling, socializing, pot-lucking and general partying. Some Golf (for the die hards) as a side bonus.

Not only does everyone bring their vessels, but the sea dogs have to come along as well. And a motley pack they are indeed.

One of the pooches fresh from the hairdresser

This one looks as if he had an appointment with a lawnmower

Pink Kleenex

Yoga for dogs

Oh brother, can you spare me a dime

Ah, the Commodore's Skipper dog

Ready to tack...

Ready to swim....

Ready to kiss

Ready for anything

The official Commodore's Cruise plonk

Porcupine dog

Foot soldier

The humans did not look too bad either...