Monday, October 19, 2009

19. October 2010 - Rainy Pictou Day

Pongo, tourist guide par excellence....

Pictou town craft shop
'Ironsforge' crafted wrought-iron hooks.
Thirty years ago, still being a horse owner, the artist's father shod my horses, in turn I inherited his Newfoundland Dog to give him a 'retirement home'.
The family tradition of working iron stays alive...

Heating up the yard I suppose...

Dan Munro, painter, of Gairloch, sells his paintings in this little store downtown New Glasgow.

Pictou Wharf drenched in rain. The little sailboats serve as information booths.

No more lobster fishing this year, and no more tourists either. Wait until the snow goes - maybe next June..

Small art gallery hiding behind this mural, downtown New Glasgow.