Sunday, October 18, 2009

18. October 2010 - Walking on Caribou Island

I am staying on Caribou Island in a spacious, warm and airy house, situated on the shore of an Inlet off Northumberland Strait. Expansive vistas, walking trails, cropped hay fields out back, and a shoreline great for strolling at low tide.

Walking with 'Pongo' - white - who is part of an informal exchange doggie student plan. Pongo moves in on weekends, whereas 'Stumpy' - black- goes off to visit his 'other family'.

Red Maple Leafs, as only the Eastern Canadian provinces seem to develop.

Apple trees line the country lanes. By now, most of the fruit has fallen and feed deer, squirrels and whatever else walks by to enjoy a little roadside snack. Wild flowers, instead of sporting colourful blooms, have turned fuzzy with seed pods.