Thursday, September 17, 2009

19. September 2009 - A foggy daaayyy in London towwwwn...

It took several hours of running my trusty little diesel heater on Millennium Dragon to dry all my gear - from touque and foul weather gear to shoes and everything in between. The cabin looked like laundry day without a clothes dryer.
I had spent five hours in almost ceaseless rain, bucking both current (middling strong) and wind (sometimes a bit more than middling strong) to motor from Pirate's Cove Back to Montague. The wind was persistenly on the nose, of course, so sailing was not in the cards.
The rain fell so heavily, I could hardly see the gap between two islands, which seem like rounded door-jambs to Montague harbour entry. Luck had it, that most mooring buoys inside sat vacant, with only a few hardy gulls hanging onto their rings.
I dead stopped beside one of the buoys, layed down on the rain battered deck, reached over the side, chased the sodden gull off the ring, threaded the waterlogged line with stiff fingers through the ring, and tied up.
As if by divine intervention, the rain stopped at that instant, and the late afternoon sun peaked out.
Perfect timing!
I zipped up the cockpit enclosure, fired up said heater, and soon the 'windows' had steamed up and things got past the dripping stage.
Time to dry out before the next stop - on Friday to Otter Bay.
This morning - Thursday - heavy dew had invaded even the cabin. Towelled all the ceilings, and checked the view outside: like being submerged in a bowl of skimmed milk. A dense fog had filled the bay, nothing but steel gray mirror smooth water withing the tiny circle of visibility - maybe 10 yards all around.
A couple of hours, a coffee and an omelett later the fog had burned off, and golden autumn sunlight illuminated the bay. Some orange and yellow colours had developed among the dense greenery ashore, so solidly green only a week ago.
The sky is cloudless, with a softer tint of blue than during the heatwaves of summer - just ideal for a jaunt ashore.
Ok, bale out the water that has collected on the dinghy bottom, dry the rowing seat - and off to land based pleasures.
Maybe Otter Bay, tomorrow, will have Wifi - first internet in 3 weeks - and I may post some photos?