The Blue Mosque towering over Istanbul

Detail of Arches connecting domes. calligraphy and flower designs adorn thousands of tiles.

A small side dome

Carpeted throughout, parts are cordoned off from visitors to allow worshippers undisturbed peace when praying.

Halfdome and arch - all filled with light and an indescribable blue shimmer.
Detail of a half dome.

Detail of the main dome with a row of arched windows letting in sunlight, which makes the mosque gleam like a jewel.
Support column, one of four holding up the main dome.
The impact of this array of light, colour and harmony is nothing short but overwhelming.

Fore court of mosque

Walking into the Blue Mosque of Istanbul comes as a shock. One enters the massive building,towering overt the city on top of a hill, six spires piercing the air pointing to Allaah the most high. Golden half moons top the many domes. a large forecourt surrounded by collonades is filled with worshippers performing their ablutions at the centre well. Tourists mingle at the entrance to the mosque proper, donning head scarfs, covering their shoulders and removing their shoes to put them into plastic bags, kindly provided by the faithful of the mosque.
But then, one enters and a mystical blue shimmering space leads the eye heavenward toward the lofty domes crowned by the centre one, which shines like an amethyst bathed in light.
Four gigantic columns hold up the main dome, the floor underneath is covered with red carpet, there are no seats, but a multitude of chandeliers light up the vast expanse of the mosque. Mosaics and tiles cover the entire inner surfaces of the mosque. Wherever one turns, there is beauty and symmetry.
A true jewel...