Delivery to Plaza Serrano in Palermo. A Viejo Cochero has somehow found his way into the neighbourhood to deliver a carriage load of people to one of the many bistros surrounding the plaza

Every corner seems to open a window into a bygone era, many of the buildings date back to the turn of the century - the 18th to the 19th century that is.

Some of the trees lining the Avenidas and Calles are in full summer bloom...

Calle Armenia - now I know why the name. There are restaurants, churches, community halls and shops - all Armenian and identified in both, Spanish and Armenian,languages.

Another typical street scene, the different coloured houses seem to blend perfectly together

There are a number of boutique hotels in the area, most of them in historic buildings - one wonders how the plumbing is functioning, if it is functioning at all...

Still Life of store-front Mannequin gazing at dog poop (the brown blobs in the foreground).

The person on the right is the male....Argentinians of either sex seem to love long flowing hair...