After spending the summer on this...

how about this for two-foot-itis?
The Rotterdam of Holland America will be my base for the next little journey into the BIG BLUE.

The Plan

My floating 'home' quarters

Some of my future fellow passengers. This is what happens if one becomes a frequent cruiser, Lot's wife turned to salt on land, these guys turn to sandstone after 500 non stop cruising days at sea.

Of course there has to be a bit of over the top interior decoration, and here is the central 'Atrium', in other words the big staircase where guests can stage their grand entrances on formal nights or skip about in their flip flops and shorts any other time.
All photos, except the one of Millennium Dragon, are Holland America website images.
My one lone bag is packed (lugging it to and from the ship has not been delegated to Fedex this time), and one is chomping at the bit to get going and aboard and cast off and watch ocean sunsets and hike around tropical rain forests and burn ones feet on hot black sand and eat poisson cru.