Although the brand new barns look a little aseptic, lacking the woodsy appearance and seasoned aroma of 'agriculture', the exhibition grounds still bring wonder to every little kid's eye. So many animals, such soft fur, and such cute noses.
uture dairy farmers, 4H youth, showing their dairy cows. The kids dealing with dairy wear white, the kids dealing with cattle wear jeans and cowboy shirts. Dress Code even on the show grounds.
Belgian Draft Horse - front end
Belgian Draft Horse - back end
Bulls eye
The love of a boy for his beautiful Frisian calf
4H Club - goat section
Vanity, thy name is ribbons. The passion, labour, training, time, money, and frustrations spent on gaining one of these are unimaginable.

Norwegian Fjord Pony, showing off a magnificient crested neck. Must be all that nutritious Vancouver Island hay.
Barrel racing for carriages - horses of any size. We had them all, miniature horses and Shires - the miniatures won hoofs down. They zipped around these barrels with the greatest of ease, agile and totally concentrated on the job at hand.
Minis on the home stretch - eager as can be.
Here comes the heavy artillery, impressive, gigantic, gorgeous - but now match in speed with the minis. Maybe it is like driving Lincoln Continentals instead of Mini Coopers around an obstacle course.
Gleaming black shires dressed to impress.
Cowboy's rest
4H-ers Rest