Sunday, September 26, 2010
27. September 2010 - Visit to the Bridge
Friday, September 24, 2010
22. Sept 2010 - San Diego
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
19-21 Sept 2010 - Sailing down the US West Coast
Sunday, September 19, 2010
19. September 2010 - Vancouver Cruise Start

Vancouver, and eclectic mix of Victoriana, Art Deco and Glass Towers - and not raining for a change.

The Ship departs on the 19th September at 2 p.m. In order to be at the Pier in time, I had tpo leave Vancouver Island one day early.
This Sunday, the 19th has been labelled 'Black Sunday' by the local press, as 16,000 people will be disembarking and embarking 6 large cruise ships docked at either iconic Canada Place or at the Boondocks 'Ballantyne Pier'. I am boarding in the boondocks,n neccessitating a taxi ride. Taxis are going to be VERY difficult to hail with such a mass of riders waiting at every hotel reception in town.

The beautiful dune grass grows on the roof of the Convention Centre at Harbour Side Vancouver. There are even several 'nature' path through this urban wilderness.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Strange new home wildlife
The latest addition to my garden zoo. He is about the size of a medium sized strawberry, and sits dead still for hours on top of this pine cove. A mysterious stranger...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
September 2010 - Pacific Exploring

After spending the summer on this...

how about this for two-foot-itis?
The Rotterdam of Holland America will be my base for the next little journey into the BIG BLUE.

The Plan

My floating 'home' quarters

Some of my future fellow passengers. This is what happens if one becomes a frequent cruiser, Lot's wife turned to salt on land, these guys turn to sandstone after 500 non stop cruising days at sea.

Of course there has to be a bit of over the top interior decoration, and here is the central 'Atrium', in other words the big staircase where guests can stage their grand entrances on formal nights or skip about in their flip flops and shorts any other time.
All photos, except the one of Millennium Dragon, are Holland America website images.
My one lone bag is packed (lugging it to and from the ship has not been delegated to Fedex this time), and one is chomping at the bit to get going and aboard and cast off and watch ocean sunsets and hike around tropical rain forests and burn ones feet on hot black sand and eat poisson cru.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Cowichan Exhibition September 2010
Although the brand new barns look a little aseptic, lacking the woodsy appearance and seasoned aroma of 'agriculture', the exhibition grounds still bring wonder to every little kid's eye. So many animals, such soft fur, and such cute noses.
uture dairy farmers, 4H youth, showing their dairy cows. The kids dealing with dairy wear white, the kids dealing with cattle wear jeans and cowboy shirts. Dress Code even on the show grounds.
Belgian Draft Horse - front end
Belgian Draft Horse - back end
Bulls eye
The love of a boy for his beautiful Frisian calf
4H Club - goat section
Vanity, thy name is ribbons. The passion, labour, training, time, money, and frustrations spent on gaining one of these are unimaginable.

Norwegian Fjord Pony, showing off a magnificient crested neck. Must be all that nutritious Vancouver Island hay.
Barrel racing for carriages - horses of any size. We had them all, miniature horses and Shires - the miniatures won hoofs down. They zipped around these barrels with the greatest of ease, agile and totally concentrated on the job at hand.
Minis on the home stretch - eager as can be.
Here comes the heavy artillery, impressive, gigantic, gorgeous - but now match in speed with the minis. Maybe it is like driving Lincoln Continentals instead of Mini Coopers around an obstacle course.
Gleaming black shires dressed to impress.
Cowboy's rest
4H-ers RestMonday, September 6, 2010
Labour Day Weekend...
Two sunny days during a three day weekend are just enough to follow an urge for exploring the beautiful Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island - or at least a few bits of it.
Koksila River Provincial Park. The river has carved deep pools amongst steep rocks. Firs, Pines and Arbutus cast their shadows over the crystal clear still water. Deep blue sky lends a cool hue to the emerald coloured swimming holes, where fish and pebbles seem to be magnified under a motionless cover of water so clear, it seems almost non existent.
A bridge over Koksila River in the deserted Provincial Park proves, that it is not always deserted and quiet. The gate barring this abandoned railway bridge is covered with slogans and paintings, probably created by nocturnal graffiti artists.
The river valley is well known for its stand of old forest, albeit these tall trees had not yet reached centenarian status.
Amongst them remained, as silent witnesses to historic logging practices, gigantic stumps with their tell tale notches at chest height, where loggers had climbed to reach the most vulnerable part of the tree trunk with their immense saws. And with mathematic precision and no little danger to the loggers, these giants of the forest fell one by one, exactly where and when they were made to do, with nothing but their mossy, rotten stumps left to tell the tale.
Street Sign in the forest. Rough, sharp edged gravel all the way from Koksila River Park to the West Coast. Tire puncture heaven.
Conservationist at work. Trophy telephone pole at the edge of the forest.
The venerable Kinsol trestle, now being diligently restored to preserve a monument to a feat of engineering dating back to pioneer times.
Blueberry farms have sold out their crop. Now it is time for apples, zucchini, cucumbers and garlic, all offered at rode side stands. Payment - the honour system: a glass jar with an invitation to 'deposit money here'.Bunnies for Texas

This black beauty was so fat, he could barely hop.