Back in my house again, maybe inspiration will take a hold of me after a long spell of - nothing. Charcoal, pencil, water colours, pastels and paper are all heaped up and waiting, waiting and waiting for the elusive muse to make her entrance..

The brilliant sunny days of the dog days of summer (now fall) come to an earlier and earlier end each day, and one spends time inside.
My house has an in-progress feel, awaiting a total interior paint job. Definitely 'uncosy' when paintings, curtains, books are moved out of the way of workmen.
But, if one only lights the house with a couple of candles and a crackling fire, the sad state of affairs is obscured by shadowy darkness creating an illusion of comfort and warmth.
This home owner has a bigger challenge than painting his house. His floating mansion is being towed into a new neighbourhood. Here he passes just below my house.

I found a few specimens of 'Boleto' (Steinpilz) on a neighboring empty lot. I picked a couple, identified them 'by the book', took a spore print (it produced the right results) and declared them edible. But....I did not like their place of origin, a little too close to the road. Fungi may suck up oil residue, weed killer, insecticide and who knows what out of their surroundings.

I found a few specimens of 'Boleto' (Steinpilz) on a neighboring empty lot. I picked a couple, identified them 'by the book', took a spore print (it produced the right results) and declared them edible. But....I did not like their place of origin, a little too close to the road. Fungi may suck up oil residue, weed killer, insecticide and who knows what out of their surroundings.
With regret, I refrained from sauteeing them in a little butter, seasoning them with salt and pepper, squeezing a bit of lime on top and having a little wild feast - because of their dubious location.
But, there are lots of woods around here, and after a good rain they are full of these delicious little morsels - next time I head more into the trees.