Nova Scotia. I am staying in Pictou on Northumberland Strait, the north coast of NS.
Cape Breton is the landmass/peninsular making up the north-east part of the province.
Cape Breton - the Cabot Trail 'proper' circumnavigates the upper portion, taking in most of the Cape Breton Highlands, but by-passing Cape North. A side-trip takes you to 'Cabot's Landing', where the Giovanni Caboto set foot on Nova Scotia's soil about 500 years ago, after he rediscovered Newfoundland in 1597. Eric the Red beat him to one of the official discoveries by another 500 years.
Small Villages and towns with names like Inverness, Wycocomac, Cheticamp, Arichat, Dundee, Baddeck and Mabou dot the landscape. Fishing and Cottage Industry, largely supplemented by seasonal tourist traffic make up the local economy.
Dozens of art and craft stores sell quilts, carvings and the famous Cape Breton hooked rugs.

The Red Shoe Pub, located in the village of the famous 'Rankin Family', talented musicians all. This pub is owned by on of them, and provides a venue for dancing, singing and general merry making.

Cabot Trail presents a feast for the eyes at any time of the year, but during fall it shows itself in a burst of splendid autumn colours.
Catholic Parish Church in Marble Mountain