The good ship Hector landed here in Pictou in 1700??? Scottish immigrants stepped ashore to build a new life here. The Scottish heritage still lives in Cultural Events like the 'Highland Games' the 'Tattoos' (not the body art version), Tartans, and most of all Family Names...there are so many 'Mac's' here, MacDonalds of the Golden Arches could never claim an exclusive rights to the use of their name. There is even a law firm called Mac, Mac & Mac.

Caribou Island in Pictou County, where I have been staying during my visit. The Prince Edward Island Ferry passes the sand spit on her journey between Pictou and Charlottetown.
Photo by Jeff Vienneau

Some of the Scottish Lads in Kilts, and a Guardsman in historic Loyalist (??) uniform with a replica of 'Hector' in the background.
Stock photo of the Pictou Advocate

Pongo and Stumpy ignoring history, but adhering to doggy tradition of digging for treasure on Waterside Beach, Caribou Island.
Dune grass covered shores of Northumberland Strait.

Makes even a doggie smile....

Hector, the replica of the original 'first landing ship', berthed at historic and quaint Pictou waterfront.

Dune grass covered shores of Northumberland Strait.

Makes even a doggie smile....

Hector, the replica of the original 'first landing ship', berthed at historic and quaint Pictou waterfront.
A couple of years ago, she was almost destroyed when a hurricane travelled along the Canadian Coast, smashed into Pictou on the way and left the waterfront in ruins. She has been repaired again, and is open to visitors in 'season' - which right now means...next June.