Monday, November 26, 2012

Seen in Mill Bay

Ah,life in British Columbia: a freshly coiffed Pomeranian attended the Christmas Light Up festivities at Mill Bay Shopping Centre. After the last cruise, I can hardly stand the excitement!
Other earth shaking Events: The Toronto Argonauts (argonuts?) won the Grey Cup, National Hockey League can safely stay off the ice and hold out for a few more cool millions of salary, poor chaps. The world has not ended yet despite Calgary losing against Toronto the Good (best?) may end once the Mayan Calendar runs out at the close of of December? The Mayans should have used a bigger stone for their carving, that might have postponed the End of the World. Makes for a Messy Christmas all that apocalypse business.
Vancouver Island News: A cougar was sighted downtown Victoria; 'conservation' officers are sniffing him out, probably not with the intention of conserving the poor puddy cat.
An elderly couple disturbed a bear mother and her two cubs during their little walk in the park...bear mother was not amused: two people in hospital in stable condition with their physique pretty well ripped up. Conservation officers are on the prowl for mother and cubs....maybe this mother will be conserved by a taxidermist.

A trail runner got lost on Grouse Mountain just at the edge of Vancouver, clad in nothing more than running shorts. For unknown reasons he had spent the night up there somewhere, freezing. Rescue teams found him alive, and helicopter flew him somewhere warm.

Well, off again by the end of December...going to check out Argentina's very own national Fiscal Cliff coming up. Talking about cliffs - I might even visit Iguazu Falls....