Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Katarina's Farm

Gorgeous fall day, with a sunny cloudless sky. Although forests and parks are mostly coniferous, there are a few leafy trees around, which are turning to warm autumns colours.
What better thing to do, but visit a farm (organic all) nearby, where a tanguera friend keeps dairy cows, chickens, rabbits and horses.
The team, equine and human, just starting out on a little jaunt down a country road to visit a farming neighbour.

Two horse power motor, enough to get around without polluting or consuming fossil fuels...and so much time to admire the surrounding beautiful scenery.

Back at the farm, dairy cows munch fall grasses, totally ignoring the magnificent view behind their pasture.

Not just farming, but a speciality trade make up the economic back ground.

Even in a simple door latch, craftsmanship is evident.

Retired buggy, slowly deteriorating into a lawn ornament.

Horse barn
Two newcomers to the pasture, playful and curious.

Not at all shy, they try and garner a few caresses....

However, human company gets soon somewhat boring, and boy and girl calves retire into a cosy corner in their little pen for a short snooze.

In the meantime, hens fed on chicken gourmet organics, lay their eggs ranging from small to somewhat large - all are brown coming from dark feathered chickens, and all have wonderfully strong coloured yolks. And their taste - REAL egg from HAPPY chickens.

The egg one the left almost needed a chicken midwife....compared to its egg sisters, it was a veritable Goliath.

King of the herd, but gentle as a lamb (at least in his stall) the resident bull.

Just cannot resist, but this super egg is something to behold. One pities the hen that had to procure this monstrosity.

It does not even fit into an egg carton.

Bucolic indeed....

Bovine Cleavages...

Tango anyone??

One wonders how many liters of foamy cream are stored in this impressive udder.

Bovine scratching post, popular with all the cows.

Lady cow bra less...
Kissable - almost - sweet soft eyes, perfect 'mascara', moist muzzles, sexy haircut, gentle demeanour....

Not sure, whether this is future rabbit stew or perpetual barn pet...

The happy girls, lining up for their daily treat....

Ruling the roost, superman of the barnyard....

It is - after all - autumn. Even the thistles have dried up

Gossamer seed pod

Wild Rosehip

Thanksgiving Holiday just around the corner, pumpkins by the hundred fill farmers stands. Turkeys are gobbling their last gobble, and humans are getting ready for the giant feast of Giving Thanks.