Thursday, January 17, 2013

And the Beat goes On

All of the following photos have been published by various Argentinean magazines and goes to their reporters and photographers.
The Argentinean Presidenta is continuing her state visits, flying in a chartered British jet ( her own could possibly be confiscated offshore because of outstanding Argentinean debts), despite disputes re Malvinas/Falkland Islands between the Brits and the Argies.
She has reached Indonesia...and the news are brimming with pictures of her meetings. Not so much about trade, commerce, and all that boring economic stuff, but...good photo ops, nevertheless.
Here, the Argentinean colours prevail, when a Argentinean national soccer shirt is presented by Cristina to the Indonesian head of government.

Back at the home front....inflation may reach galloping speed, but people still line up for the GREAT MATCH of River and Boca soccer teams in Mar del Plata....8 blocks long, just as long as the line up to get a car inspection done.
Tickets between 280 and 550 pesos a seat.
Last year the Government had a thing called 'Futbol para todos' - Soccer for everybody, it succeeded. Even if nobody has any money.  The government say one can feed one person on 6 pesos a day.
That is almost bread and day one buys an empanada (bread) for 6 pesos, and the next a bottle of water for 6 pesos...well, with a bit of imagination one could live like that?
So far, no incidents in the futbol ticket line ups, police en masse, and all the fans seem to be in a good mood.
Not much in the news about any political or economic agreements during the state visits of the Presidenta, however, a Presidenta doll has been manufactured in the Asian countries, and presented to the visiting dignitary. Here she is with her replica en miniature.
In the meantime, not much news about Hugo Chavez (Commandante of all Venezuelans, and presently in emergency care in Cuba), but as a close friend and ally, the local news follow his fate closely. Apparently popular support for Chavez is taking new and interesting forms, albeit nobody knows for sure, if he is on life support or not.

Whatever happens, the Argentineans have endless patience...they wait forever to have their monthly salaries paid.

It rained in the eastern part of Buenos Aires last night, heavily, for about fifteen minutes. Streets were flooded to waist level. Apparently the state of disrepair of drainage and sewage is such, that pipes are plugged, and manholes stuffed with accumulated garbage, that no rainwater leaves the surface of the streets. One could observe some footage of plastic bags filled with garbage floating down the least if they were whole. If they were punctured they just descended to the bottom of the flood.
A hospital with two ambulances to their name had to transport emergency cases on the back of pick up trucks, as both ambulances were hors de combat.
Crime is getting 'closer'. On the weekend armed robbers assaulted the local Subway Station (Plaza Italia) - mine - at midday and made of with 13.000 pesos. Forth time in four months....getting too close for comfort.
And our dear parallel 'blue' dollar...since last night it went up another few centimos. Now goes for 7.55 pesos to the US dollar.
But, miraculously, the city still maintains its magic...I don't know why that is, but it is a fact. The population is aware of the problems, but seems to live with them as best as they can, day to day, with a resigned attitude that defies understanding. But what is the alternative?
Tango? It is a case of 'Forever Tango'...the world is left behind, and in the tango locales, classes, milongas, Buenos Aires carries on, oblivious to anything else but the music, the magic, the embrace and the dance.