Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jardin Japones - Buenos Aires

On a day, where Buenos Aires weather mimics a misty Japanese afternoon, why not go to the Jardin Japones, quite a large park within the already large park system at the edge of Palermo.
Serenity awaits....

Opened in 1967, it is a green oasis filled with ponds, trimmed miniature trees, quietly splashing waterfalls, bridges and urns. The Japanese Royal Couple Emperor Akihito and Princess Michiko presented the city with this plaque to commemorate their visit to Buenos Aires.

Stark simplicity instead of ornately designed parks and gardens of Buenos Aires.

Definitely a polular attraction. I stood in line to pay my entry fee (16 pesos - about $3.50). Once at the booth, a sign advised: exact change only accepted.

Well, I handed over my only note of 100 pesos. The Japanese looking ticket seller took one look at me, and decided that I was a 'jubilario' - old enough to be allowed gratis entry. That solved the 'exact change' challenge.

Koi as big as baby whales, being fed of course with 'comida de peces' fish food, available for purchase. However, it is 'Prohibited to touch the Fish'.

Who would want to.. maws as big as JAWS!

The little Ibis kept fishing for goodies being stirred up by these monster Koi.

Granite Samurai

Bird bath...Kormorant resting on a stone lantern

On this day, the Japanes Gardens were filled with Japanese Cartoon figures. Teams of youngsters competed for the most genuine look-alike of the hundreds of characters in these comic strips. The artist is quite famous, and his original paintings sell for small fortunes.

Apparently this cult of mimicking the characters - which are as varied as a crazy imagination can create them - has a huge following in Japan, and, as I found out, a pretty sizeable one here in Buenos Aires.

The costumes, make up and wigs are exact copies of the strip's gutter-glitter dolls, warriors, animals and science fiction creations.

Transforming into a Samurai, armed with a cell phone. Maybe a few more Empanadas would help to but some warrior bulk on this Argentino!

Two 'dolls' in all their finery, mirror images of the drawings down to even the 'cute' toys.

Padded Belts, stay up stockings, fingerless long gloves, huge coloured wigs, and cute bunny toys...a princess doll.

Even comic strip facial features and hair styles are copied...

Where is the nether part of this costume?

The 'doll shoots' happen everywhere in the garden - pavillions, bridges, a Christmas doll, with crown, mini antlers, red fur trimmed cape, and high boots.

The 'medical team'

..and the wolf man...

Elaborate to the last detail...even the way the fringe is brushed over the nose.

Style of painting, which is used as a starting point for costumes.

Typical comic figure used on the advertising flyer for this year's 'doll' competition.