No boating, no hiking, no tango, no social commitments - why not watch a little Country and Western Fun?

The festivities start with the Sublime - Oh Canada - sung by all except the horses.

The Midway caters to the Ridiculous - junk food stands.

But then to the Serious Business of the Day - Horse and Rider

First casualty - a young steer wrestler receives a well placed horn into his upper body, and limps off. Judging by the photo, he threw himself off his horse a split second too early...

This inoffensive roped calf looked frightened out of its little bovine wits.

In Spanish this is called: salirse de las orejas - exit through the ears...

Even after throwing their riders, the broncs still buck until their loin cinch is removed.

Salirse a otro lado - exit to the other side...

8 seconds is a loooong time...

How to loose one's teeth getting too close to the business end of one of these cute horsies...

Spectators have their eyes glued to the action...

Point of no return...

Another rider predictably bites the dust...

I cannot see why Cowboys wear these fringed chaps without tying them up...all that flopping leather must get in the way. Sponsorship 0-8 second advertising pots?

It's hard to figure out which end is up...

Some horses seem to get a kick out of their few seconds in the limelight...

This unfortunate young man could NOT part from his horse safely (whatever that means in Rodeo Speak). His roping had was caught in 'the rigging' in he was dragged by the bucking horse - half way across
the arena

The best that could be said was, that he was conscious and talking. But, apparently he was seriously injured, his face bled, and he sure did not move

This ambulance left with the injured cowboy (still wearing his boots like a true grit) and another drew up against the horse corrals.
Life of a rodeo cowboy: from a bronc possibly into a wheelchair within a flash of a few seconds; a mortal danger always looming over their heads in any competition.
With good wishes and applause the fallen hero left the grounds....and the show went on. I would not have wanted to be in the boots of the next runner up.

Grimly, the next bucking horse is readied..

Cowboy Hat Mullet Style, the latest fashion.

Mock Cowboys beside the beer tent..

Real Cowboys perching on their observations posts...

Mutton Busters testing their moxie...

And these Budweisers are for you!
Team Roping...

And the short chase is on....

The Gottcha Moment...

And as a future reward for this breathtaking show steer career: sold to the highest bidder as BBQ steak.
Makes one want to be a dog...

The Muttley Crew from California, a lucky bunch of unadoptable shelter dogs, half dead ditch dogs, and abandoned strays. Now loved, trained and famous enough to have made it to America got Talent Show. Not exactly a line up of purebred beauties - but they make up for that lack with an overload of Character, Charisma and Charm.

Tricks were 'dog age - appropriate': one of these middle aged guys rolled a piece of empty pipe, whilst the other would crawl through the pipe - brains beats brawn.

This well nourished boy was still young enough to cross the arena hopping like a Kangaroo.

The copper coloured Chow on the right is 19 years old, his trick was not to fall off his display box, after being lifted onto it.

Funny looking Canine?

Barrel Racing Dog...

Barrel Racing Cow Girl

It's all about speed..

And agility - don't kick the can!!!

This is where the Fast Girls shine!

Indy 500 horse bandages, like Pirrelli Tires - extra speedy.

Authority is written all over the face of this Rodeo Volunteer...note the mullet style hat brim.

Crushed Ice Cones and Midway Prizes...

Spiderman at the Rodeo

Grandpa taking the grand kid to 'the roping'

Critical Observer
The first in a series of spectacular parting of the ways.