There, only human structures rise above the flatness of the pampas...highrises, historic buildings, cranes at the port, clock towers, church cupolas, lofty domes, communication towers, monuments...
And - of course - thousands of towering trees.
Here in BC, there are islands, sea, verdant hills, and far distant snow capped mountains, lush greenery in the valleys, and spring blooms in every garden -including mine. Apart from the ocean surface, there is not a straight lined horizon in sight.

The Rhodos are out en masse, with blooms so heavy they threaten to break off the very twigs on which they flower.

Troupes of daffodils nod towards the sun. These flowers are the only thing at ground level, that our dear deer refuse to devour.

Spring heather covers the ground with frothy living snow. Well, the deer don't like them either.

Pink and white leathery Magnolia blossoms decorate bare branches, later cover the ground below with a carpet of tired petals.

And then there is THE GRUNGE, green-brown stuff that has accumulated throughout a long rainy winter in every corner of the deck of Millennium Dragon.
Nothing else to do but marshal the troops.
Members of the younger sailor's set guided by a 'responsible adult' (ah, what a relief!) swarm over dirty boats with buckets, mops, brushes and a lot of noise and earn a few dollars to augment their sailing school budgets. Lucky me - to have someone else totally drenched, someone else climbing up the mast to wipe off the green fuzz encrusted spreaders...
The kids love being hoisted up the mast, they never have an opportunity to climb to such lofty heights on their little sailing dinghies...

Millennium without her canvas enclosure, ready for a cockpit scrub!

The last 'before' picture. It would turn a sensitive soul off sailing altogether, being faced with getting rid of that kind of crusty dirt, mixed with empty shells and other goodies which were dropped by flocks of wintering gulls.
But - all shiny now!
How to find someone to wax and polish the freshly scrubbed decks and coach house....any takers?