Cape Buffalo, South Africa
Rain, rain and more rain. Vancouver Island is thoroughly soaked and enduring winter temperatures.
Ergo - the boat languishes at its moorings, mould encrusted, and un-commissioned.
The horse is ridden, whenever the path to the paddock is negotiable through a deep morass of mud and horse manure.
Argentine Tango cheers up a few desolately dark evenings... as if Tango could ever be considered 'cheerful'.
South American Literature feeds the grey matter inside during the grey days outside.
Memories of past travels still steer creative urges towards yet another one of the BIG FIVE of Africa.
These massive bovines have the most volatile temper imaginable. If they decide that curious onlookers are just not acceptable parts of the landscape and irritate them just beyond the point of no return, they charge without warning and do not cease trampling their victim until it it has been reduced to a lifeless mass.
Ergo: a little watercolour of Mr Cape Buffalo inspired by all that gloopy muck outside.