This is Molly, still 'loaded' with foal a couple of days ago. Ever so often the surface of her belly would bulge a little here and there with her latest baby kicking impatiently: let me out!

Yep, here he is, the crown prince of the barn!
Not yet twelve hours old, this little fellow it the latest addition to Millshaw Meadows, the Riding Establishment where I enjoy my equine friends.
The white star on his almost black forehead shines like a little lantern, and he sports a white sock on his hind leg.
Mother Mollie, almost a hundred pounds lighter seems still a little surprised at this perky little thing, which is still somewhat wobbly when getting to his feet.
Well, this is the proper end for nourishment. The colt still is a little confused trying to decide whether to search for the milk dispenser between the front legs or the hind legs of his loving mother.
With legs like that, he is going to be TALL!