Getting ready for action
Gloves, lassoo, hat, now for the horse...
Positioning or posing??
Ah, those hats...never kissed the dust.
Alright, ride them cowboys, we're ready for you.
Western elegance personified
The Good, The Bad and The Injured...
It is unknown whether the contraption on the left arm is there to protect the limb or whether it is a leftover from some previous 8 or less second ride.

ETA - 1 second: Out of the gate - and into the sand.

This may be a sign of a pain in the arm or a pain in the ???
This one did not

Bull Riding...not something I would like to do on a long weekend.

Handstand on automatic steering

The cowgirls get 16 seconds of fame, twice as long as the boys. Anyway, getting around these barrels took between 15 and 16 seconds. And the horses were better dressed as well.