Not every citizen of our beautiful Province thinks of it as a bonus to society, given the commercial aspect of the Games, and the present global economic situation.
'A waste of taxpayers money, and an irresponsible diversion of funds better spent on the less fortunate of society,' the protesters say.
The Olympic Spirit of friendly and peaceful athletic competition may have morphed into an advertising, media and entertainment industry frenzy, each new version of the Games trying to outdo the previous ones with ever more elaborate displays, venues etc....but, something beyond the hype still seems to linger, protests and interruption, body guards and police, commercial advertising and political grandstanding notwithstanding.
The Torch still signifies co-operation between countries, communities and people. In Canada, the torch will travel 45,000 km through every Province from East to West and up into the Arctic. People from all walks of life participate in carrying a simple little flame through wind, snow, hail, rain, frost and wintry sunshine - just like our dear old fashioned postmen used to face - to finally light the cauldron during the Olympic Opening Ceremony.
No Medal Counts, no records, no drug scandals, no behind the scenes 'forced sports camps', these torch carriers seem to enjoy their part of the Games.

Cowichan First Nation Chiefs in full ceremonial regalia transporting the Olympic Torch paddling a traditional canoe.
The Olympic Torch in Tofino, Vancouver Island. Ralf Bruhwiler transfers the flame in mid wave.
All Photos by Reuters.