It has rained heavily since almost a week. Little streams appear in the most unusual places, even my roof gutters have developed a noisy waterfall, which drums relentlessly on the balcony. Thoughts turn to investing in Wellington Boots. One stays inside - most of the time. 
Everything is under a perpetual sheet of water. Even the decorative steer at Russel's Farmer's Market looks sorry for himself, one almost wants to give him an umbrella.

Everything is under a perpetual sheet of water. Even the decorative steer at Russel's Farmer's Market looks sorry for himself, one almost wants to give him an umbrella.

Road side vegetable stands are surrounded by soggy grass and deep mud. The only items are left over Thanksgiving pumpkins, no fresh produce for sale.

And then come the rare moments, when the sky clears for a few minutes, and things look quite pleasant as here in Genoa Bay.
This was "THE HOUR" of sunshine for today in Cowichan Bay Fisherman's Harbour. It was such a rare treat, I had to capture it on camera to assure myself that it actually happened.
Stellar Sea Lions, spreading their huge bodies along the breakwater surrounding the harbour docks. Their raucuous barking erupts into a noisy chorus whenever another one climbs aboard. They probably love having their fur laundered by fresh water showers.