On the ferry they were sitting behind me, about two rows, discussing 'business'. Two boys, maybe 18 and 14 years old, using very adult terms and vocabulary.
The older assured the younger that business was still good despite the 'lagging economy'. Business can be managed - without getting caught - over texting, cellphone and e-mail. The trick, according to the older boy again, was to use metaphors (his word). He gave a couple of examples, such as 'go home' for acid, and 'homework' for crack...
That way, he assured the younger, no one can figure out, what you are doing...and one can line up dealers everywhere in Canada, he had a couple in Calgary...
And so on and so forth more in the same line...
I was - to say the least - disturbed. But, what to do? Report them? Talk with them? Ignore them? Two young geniuses plotting expert deceit would deny any wrongdoing if reported. It seemed to me that if I would interject, their expertise at lying would land me somewhere, where I would neither help them, nor the situation, nor me - for that matter.
So, I did nothing, but listen to this sad discussion, imagining, that in a few years time these two will be adults, have children maybe, run for office...Their self esteem high, their confidence in their ability to do 'whatever they want' built up since years.
Both sounded certainly very intelligent. However - what about character? They will be lying, committing petty or serious crimes maybe unless something or somebody stops them now.
They both seemed very proud of their business activities, and were not at all discomfited that I could overhear their talk. And - they were correct - what could I do to stop them? Well, maybe the parents would say, that kids will be kids, and it is just a 'normal phase'.
Scary thought.
The older assured the younger that business was still good despite the 'lagging economy'. Business can be managed - without getting caught - over texting, cellphone and e-mail. The trick, according to the older boy again, was to use metaphors (his word). He gave a couple of examples, such as 'go home' for acid, and 'homework' for crack...
That way, he assured the younger, no one can figure out, what you are doing...and one can line up dealers everywhere in Canada, he had a couple in Calgary...
And so on and so forth more in the same line...
I was - to say the least - disturbed. But, what to do? Report them? Talk with them? Ignore them? Two young geniuses plotting expert deceit would deny any wrongdoing if reported. It seemed to me that if I would interject, their expertise at lying would land me somewhere, where I would neither help them, nor the situation, nor me - for that matter.
So, I did nothing, but listen to this sad discussion, imagining, that in a few years time these two will be adults, have children maybe, run for office...Their self esteem high, their confidence in their ability to do 'whatever they want' built up since years.
Both sounded certainly very intelligent. However - what about character? They will be lying, committing petty or serious crimes maybe unless something or somebody stops them now.
They both seemed very proud of their business activities, and were not at all discomfited that I could overhear their talk. And - they were correct - what could I do to stop them? Well, maybe the parents would say, that kids will be kids, and it is just a 'normal phase'.
Scary thought.