My Rhododendrons are eithr fighting or loving each other. Two bushes, one red and one pink are almost intertwined in battle or attraction. The blooms are as big as large cauliflowers, and maybe almost as heavy. The lower branches are resting on the ground under the weight of the blooms.
My peach coloured Azalea beside the house frames a view of Satellite Channel, where today dozens of sailboats - under spinnaker - are competing in the 'Around Saltspring Island' race. At least that's what I think is happening out there with this armada of boats all heading in the same direction.

Somewhat subdued in colour, beside the Rhodos sporting these overpowering pinks and reds.

Somewhat subdued in colour, beside the Rhodos sporting these overpowering pinks and reds.
The garden sounds like the innards of an electric transformer - hundreds of bees and bumble bees are populating the scene. Very nice to listen to, however, a little disconcerting considering my body's dislike of insect bites...
Washed the topsides of my sailboat today. Got the dinghy into the water and the little outboard (not quite two horses) nicknamed the 'Eggbeater' started at first pull of the starter cord. I had my oars stowed aboard - just in case the Eggbeater would have given up. But no, we curved around in figure eights (in rowing distance from Millennium Dragon of course) at turtle and rabbit speeds, and she hummed like a happy little bee.
Filled up the fresh water tank as well, and now the boat sits nose down along the waterline. Well, maybe additional containers filled with diesel and kerosene, stored in the stern, will make her a little more balanced.
Let's hope for calm weather....then it's "off the dock" and off wherever next week.