Time to visit the 'other hemisphere' down south in lovely Argentina.
Among many temporary good byes, one says adios to one's four-legged friends, with a nicker on one side and a couple of apples on the other, and heads off towards the airport.
The last sunrise over Saanich Peninsular (just above Victoria Airport) which I will see for a little while - now the journey begins: two days of transit lounges and airplane seats.
Alliance Airport Lounge in Sao Paulo, Brasilia....new, airy, spacious, comfortable.... |
Hours and hours in lounges - but with added benefits: comfortable chairs, Wifi access gratis, plenty of reading materials and enough buffet food to keep a passenger from dying of starvation, as well as a bar/cafe, should one need to 'freshen up' the spirit.
A long sleep between Toronto and Sao Paulo, and one arrives to summer temperatures (at least for now) and the chaotic life, so invigorating, of Buenos Aires.
It would not be Buenos Aires, if a protest or a strike would not close a major intersection or part of highway in the city....things are still 'normal' here |
No complaints about the temperatures.... |
Sunday Evening at the Sueno Porteno with all the 'papusas' lined up for the obligatory group photo - ours truly being one of the 'papusas'... |
Despite the long journey, enough energy remained to attend a couple of milongas (dances) to meet old tanguero friends again and dance the evenings away one tanda (set of dances) after another.
Proper footwear to navigate along Buenos Aires sidewalks... |
Quite some noticeable changes for the better on the streets of Palermo, the district of Buenos Aires where my temporary domicile is located. There is less garbage (the garbage bins which the city introduced last year are actually being used, and homeless people have moved out of the recycle bins), there is less dog poop, even fewer cracks in the sidewalks (but still enough to keep ones feet glued to the ground) and wheel chair ramps at intersections (albeit driving a scooter or wheelchair on the sidewalks proper could be a bit of a challenge).
'Wall Art' slowly replaces graffiti of old... |
Palermo is being 'reconstructed', some buildings become condo high rises, others are being renovated in the historic style of the original design.
Scioli on the left, and Macri to the right |
Argentina is gearing up to a federal election. After the first ballot about a month ago, two candidates for President emerged. Scioli and Macri are running head to head. The first ever Presidential Debate in Argentina's history took place one week before the 'run off' vote (obligatory for 32 million Argentinos) which is going to happen on the 22 November. The very well moderated debate was watched by millions of voters, who are apparently almost equally divided on deciding who 'won' the debate. After this coming Sunday - Argentina will be led by a new President...the nation is holding its collective breath.
In the meantime....lets tango on and cheer on River, Boca and all the other equipos de futbol of Argentina...Gooooooooollllll! |