Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Saltspring Island Fall Fair 2015

Saltspring Island Fall Fair 2015
The last days of summer – time for Saltspring Island Fall Fair, and – coincidentally – time for the monthly Saltspring Milonga. One heads off via ferry across the waters of Stuart Channel, and – to allow plenty of time for the Saltspring Experience – one rents a place to sleep for a night.

Stocking up on Poop and Scoop supplies - by the yard....
Most striking passenger on the crossing: a gentleman who loaded up on doggy poop bags provided via self serve dispenser by the community at the ferry parking lot. He had no dog, but he pulled out enough bags to last a month of doggy business, should he ever get a dog.

Luxury in the Woods...
On Saltspring Island I checked into my five star ‘log cabin’ which according to the advertising comfortably but rustically sleeps two adults and a child….bring your own sleeping pad and bedding. Yes, it has water, one electric outlet, a single light bulb under the ceiling, a window and a door, for which you bring your own lock or borrow one against a five dollar deposit. Well, it is a campground, and the ‘cabin’ is a glorified tent. Clean showers and toilets available.

Rustic Bunks...Mother Earth visible through the cracks in the floor...

Yes, it had potable water 'on site'
Off to the Fair on Rainbow Road. One realizes how many people actually live on Saltspring when faced with endless line of cars parked at both sides of the narrow streets leading up to the fair – it went on for miles!

Two days of Fair Fun....
Fall Fairs have changed character over the last few decades. In the seventies they were competitive gatherings of local (and visiting) farmers and ranchers to exhibit and judge livestock, poultry, fruit of field and garden, heavy horse and light horse competition with a bit of country entertainment and home cooking thrown in for good measure to round out the agricultural theme.
Goose Selfie...
Today Fairs have mutated into food fairs, exhibition of a few farm animals (more like ‘samples’ of the real thing back at the farm), competitions of handicrafts and home cooking, sheep dog trials and plenty of diversions for youngsters such as zucchini or chicken races.
Working Sheep Dog trial....
Gentlemen, start up your engines....

Race Result for the feathered runners....

And the winners are.....

Quilting Exhibit

Flower Arrangement Exhibit

Textile Art Exhibit
What remains the same is this: excellent venue for people watching, especially on Saltspring Island which is somewhat ‘a world apart’, a paradise for aging and still young hippies, alternative life style adherents,  everything organic from clothing to meals at the food stands, fringe fashions and non-traditional family structures, and a forest of Green Party button wearers .

Left female - right male...

International Cooks and Cooking at the Fair
The weather cooperated, and rubber Wellington Boots were optional…

Quirky Fashions of the Island

Cooking up something organic, which smelled delicious

Flowing Fashions of Saltspring

Flowing Tresses of Saltspring
I spent an enjoyable afternoon watching, mingling as well as tasting sweet fresh corn on the cob, before heading to the local milonga Por El Amor del Tango for a few hours of dancing tango – and a Chacarera (popular Argentinian Folkdance) to mark ‘half time’ of the dance session.

Let's Dance....
with a view over Saltspring Harbour
It was pitch dark when I returned to the camp ground, only the lights of a few RV’s of my camping neighbours were still on. My immediate neighbour had a cozy camp fire lighting up the front of his travel trailer, and he attended the flickering source of light and warmth totally naked…hmmm….time to ‘flee’ to the interior of my little home away from home.

Saltspring Island, always a memorable experience…..