Political and social unrest, rising inflation and a ever weakening economy, protests and crime do not seem to be sufficient misfortune for Argentina. Nature is unleashing powerful rains, devastating fires and - to top it all - a volcanic eruption across the border from Argentina.
Eight Provinces are affected. The southern provinces had no rain since December, a gigantic forest fire has demolished more than 34,000 hectares of forest, in addition to agricultural lands and houses. Bariloche, a skiing tourist centre, has been invaded by the flames as well - citizens formed bucket brigades to douse the flames. However, many have lost their homes and all their belongings. The fire is still out of control, only one water bomber tries his best to contain them, hundreds of firefighters, La Guardia Civil and private citizens fight what seems to be a losing battle. One hopes for rain in the south...
Gaucho patrolling his lands...devastated, cattle overcome by smoke and fire... |
Flames a couple of blocks from the City Centre of Bariloche... |
Bucket Brigade in the centre of Bariloche
Where the south is hoping for rain, the middle of the country is praying for it to stop. It has rained since days, in some areas 300 millimeters within a day, which is more than it usually rains in a couple of months. Cordoba, at the foot of the Sierras has been attacked by raging rivers, which normally are just rivulets or even dry arroyos. Roads have turned into riverbeds. Houses are washed away within seconds, bridges disappear, roads are cut off.
Many people have died or disappeared - washed away by the torrents. In Santa Fe, where the country is flat, widespread flooding has put vast areas under water. Transport has come to a stand still, potable water is scarce....water, water and not a drop to drink.
Streets turned into raging rivers |
An unwanted Venice.... |
Roads are washed away as if constructed of card board... |
Part of the area that is affected by the wide spread fires.... |
Santa Fe...wading the streets... |
Retired Policeman...it took 45 years to build his modest home, a few seconds to wash it all away. He has lost everything, except for some clothing... |
In the meantime - the South burns.... |
Across the border with Chile, south of Santiage, volcano Villarrico erupts the first time in 40 years - 3000 homes evacuated in Chile, Argentina is on alert... |
Thousands of homes evacuated in the centre provinces, where rain either covers everything or just washes it away. Hospitals and sanatoriums are trying to find alternative housing for their patients. |
Eerily beautiful....after the flames... |
Outskirts of Bariloche...no human lives lost. But a number of pets did not make it out, dispite desperate attempts by their frantic owners... |
Villarica - lighting up the night sky |
After the Flood.....and more rain to come |
Photos have been uploaded from published images on the Internet, as well as the from El Clarin, Argentinian Daily Newspaper...