Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Waiting - for the Mail....

Ready to leave lovely Vancouver Island, where we are enjoying almost spring like temperatures and heather and cherry blossoms, to embark on an Epic Journey along South America and Antarctica, up and down the Amazon to Manaus, the Caribbean and Western Africa, Mediterranean Countries, Western Europe all the way to St. Petersburg in Russia.
Just waiting for - my visa for Brazil, as Valentine's Day should see me in Rio de Janeiro, then I may swim with the Piranas up the Amazon.
I cannot join the ship, which will be my 'home' for the duration, until I have this precious little slip of paper in my hand.
All progressing just nicely, however - mail handling at the Consulate and our dear Canada Post (despite "Priority and Express guaranteed next day delivery designations") proceeds at the regular snail mail pace. I think my visa is being delivered via row boat from Vancouver to Vancouver Island.
Ergo - a few more days of wait - whilst the ship travels at 18 knots south towards more and more remote ports, which will be more and more 'complicated' to reach. But...bureaucracy being what it is: one waits patiently!
 Not that the wait is at all unpleasant. There are milongas in the vicinity, and one indulges in Tango a couple of times a week.
Reflection in the mirror at Tango Vita Milonga in Victoria

This milonga took place at the MGM Restaurant in Nanaimo, with a large number of bailarines (dancers) participating.


Meanwhile back in Buenos Aires: Dia sin Pantalones (day without pants) on the Subways - just to relieve the daily boredom of a commute. Now, with Buenos Aires subways being VERY crowded during rush hour, there must have been some intriguing touch and go moments on the subway cars.

Maybe without street clothes, but still with the almost obligatory high heels, a young woman strolls down a subway aisle, together with her demi suited male companion.

I wonder what the public reaction would be to a similar 'Pantless Day' on our Vancouver Skytrain, in Montreal's Metro, or Toronto's Subway? Apart from the fact, that January is not exactly condusive to half naked commutes, riders may arrive at their destination with various of their body parts frozen solid. Well, this girl would not get cold feet, she is wearing UGGH boots in mid Austral summer.

Argentina Economy - basic food supply prices have been frozen by order of the Argentinian Government. Some produce is included, such as tomatoes.
This grocery supermarket ensures that customers KNOW that their prices are compliant with the latest edict. The price tag reads:
Economic Tomatoes: Those of Cristina (reference to Cristina Kirchner, the President) - 27.97 pesos a kilo.
Official Peso exchange is 6.6 Pesos to a US $, the 'blue market' has risen to 11 Pesos per US $.
Just a few more days - I guess - before I join this vessel in Valparaiso, Chile (maybe) and aim for points south....