No end in sight for this heat wave, some say it may be Christmas at 40 degrees...power outages, several thousand households without electricity - and some without water. Grocery stores throw out perishable food for lack of refrigeration. Neighbours stage protests lighting fires on pavement (just adding to the furnace temperatures), and the working people create their own version of 'Casual Friday' outfits
But - there is Good News:
Para el Gobierno, los cortes de luz son por el cresciente economico
Según Capitanich, la demanda energética crece porque más argentinos han accedido al empleo y por ende, a bienes durables como los aires acondicionado. Y pidió controlar su uso.
Los cortes de luz afectaron a 30 barrios de Capital y GBA
Which means: the power outages are due to a growth in economy, more people can afford airconditioning in their homes.