Monday, June 10, 2013

Tamed - so far - on Vancuver Island...

Not yet feeling like a caged lion, despite living a life without sail boats, without sailing the high seas and calling into exotic ports, without Buenos Aires tango...

maybe feeling more like a bear cub learning how to fish in home waters...

My home based zoo has a full complement of free range everything: deer, racoons, squirrels, bald eagles, red robins, finches, garter snakes, rabbits and partridges.

Stick it into the ground here on Vancouver Island, and it will definitely grow, and grow, and grow some more. Plant life grows rampant, which keeps the garden alive and the gardener in grocery money.

And one discovers never suspected tango venues even on our little corner of Vancouver Island

The latest: Radio Tango in Nanaimo.
It takes place in a historic building, downtown Nanaimo. It prides itself of authentic - almost La Boca - atmosphere, an oldfashioned bar and a fantastic dance floor. A Disk Jockey played classical Argentinean Tango, and a tango band took over the stage for the last hour of the Milonga.
The place was - needless to say - packed with Tangueros hailing from the length and width of Vancouver Island, with a few bailarines from Gabriola and Saltspring Island thrown in.

Everybody dancing with everybody, not ever sitting out a dance.