Post sailing season, the summer flew by, my garden 'gnomes' are almost grown, my apple tree is finally bare of fruit (buckets and buckets this year), and one dreams of the next possible adventure...
This is one of the twins as he looked this spring
He sure grew quickly, and now gazes fearlessly at any human daring to get close
Mother and twins this spring, the little ones roly-poly and mother trying to keep up with their constant demand for mother's milk to top up the diet of lawns and flowers. |
Here they are in the fall, ambling across the road and cleaning up the last windfall of apples, the deer proof geraniums, and everything else remotely green |
Fall Equinox....the sun rises half way between the hills of Saanich Pensinsular and the ones of Salt Spring Island. Just a little to late in the season to see it rising as if from the crater of Mount Baker in the left background. |
A burst of light bathing everything in magical colour... |
Cider Time, Merricale Apple Cider Farm is pressing the juice from these beauties, and may the Cider Tastings begin... |
A couple of thousand starlings are making a stop-over in Victoria to break their migratory journey, taking advantage of a construction crane to use as a noisy 'chat room', |
Lovely antique copper apple cider kettle.... |
As mentioned above...with no boat to call my own anymore, one looks longingly at anything that floats...especially when fall fares are irresistibly 'low', tourists are mostly gone back home, and the world invites.... |