I started my annual pilgrimage to THE MAINLAND on a pretty good note: the ferries run on time, the sea was calm.
Going to see my mainland friends is a rare and enjoyable pleasure.
One strolls along the sea shore in Crescent beach, one 'hits the town' for a little window shopping.
Granville Island, the Vancouver market and general eclectic hang out, showed itself true to form and reputation.

Welcome to Granville Island market, a treasure trove for buying essentials for house, home and whatever else comes to mind.

Not quite an island, but nevertheless fringed by water almost all around, a few bridges span False Creek and connect to Condo Heaven on the far side. Boats, harbour ferries, docks lend a maritime flavour, three scoops at a time.

US Thanksgiving Black Friday - the heaviest deal-shopping day of the year - inspires the local merchants sufficiently to put on their very own Black Friday - Canadian version. Specials, to keep shoppers and their Christmas dollars on this side of the border.

Shop 'til the cows come home. Picasso would have found inspiration here in art bound British Columbia.

Shopper with a mission.

A good load of organically grown asparagus.

Traditional hand carved totem pole is displayed beside an ultra modern metal sculpture.

Musicians have moved inside the market buildings.

Appreciative audience
Not so appreciative audience.....

Enthralled audience

Exotic audience...
450 Grams of lovely jet setting raspberries from far away California can be yours at only 8.99! Wow, what a deal!
These BC grown carrots go for a little less, not much less, but less nevertheless.
Flower Power....
Craftsmen ply their various trades, here a harp and violin maker. There are silver smiths, wooden boat builders, black-smiths, potters, painters and Granville Island beer brewers.
Native Art in gift shops...
Life sized Native Art in galleries....
Monumental Native Art in display windows...
Canine pottery art..
Colonel Sanders Kentucky Drive Chicken Art...
And Bouillabaisse Art....
Primed with all this art, I was prepared to attempt to return to Vancouver Island with great eagerness.
Storm force winds, rain travelling horizontally, ocean waves crashing across the ferry causeway. I arrived half an hour before the last not yet cancelled ferry was scheduled to depart. Well, 15 minutes later, that departure was cancelled, too - no ship leaving until early afternoon...or late afternoon...or early evening...maybe...
After four hours in the ferry line up, surrounded by waiting cars on all sides, and no sign that the wind would drop, it was time to call it quits. Another hour, and ferry personnel helped me extract my car from 'the parking lot', and I drove through sea spray and buffeting winds back across the causeway and towards another night at hospitable friends, only to get stuck in rush hour traffic for another couple of hours. What a way to spend a day....