Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall 2011 - Images from Home

Back on land...the deer have grown fatter, bucks sport a clean rack and a black furred face, and lost even more of their shyness. Rabbits freeze into stillness among brown fallen leafs, and noisy chickadees, finches and hummingbirds crowd the newly filled bird feeders.

Deer food on the branch - they are delicious! I baked an apple pie - the first ever in my entire long life. I must confess it was pretty tasty!

The higher branches of the tree still carry a few apples, high enough over the heather covered ground to be out of reach of deer, even if they stand up on their hind legs trying to bite them off.

But storm winds did their thing and the sweet apples litter the ground, with the predictable result that all vegetarian wild life tramples around and enjoys the delicious banquet. I can walk out to the tree, and the deer hardly lift their heads to acknowledge my presence. I am not sure if these sharp horned bucks would take kindly to having their dinner interrupted, so far they limit themselves to eying me with a bored look.

My feelings exactly - sheets of rain, winds whipping around, dampness and chill outside - it's time to think of warmer climes...