Leaving Milongas and Practicas behind for a little while to throw myself from the arms of Milongueros into the lulling arms of Neptune.
First stop - as usual - Montague Harbour and all the conveniences that come with it.

Here she is, all shined up, spending the Long Weekend hanging off a buoy. The Marine Park rangers all welcomed Millennium Dragon back into the Park Host volunteer family. Although, here in Montague, I am just a guest, not a 'worker'.

Canada Day at the floating Nature House.
The weather has finally turned summery, and sunshine bathes the harbour and beaches, boats and people in a warm ambiance. But, there seems to be a smaller crowd, and a quieter crowd populating the camp ground and the harbour. No fire works, no loud yahooing, no screaming around and about with the dinghy motor at full throttle.
The campground is emptier as well, partly due to the fact that about 11 of the hillside/forest campsites are closed as of this season. Winter rains caused a small land slide, a geomorphist (??) was called upon to assess the slope stability, and the hillside campgrounds were declared off limits for human habitation.

However, the long white shell beach facing north towards an impsing vista of sea, islands and far away mountains is safe, and inviting. Logs are conveniently washed up all along the shore, serving as both, bar benches and foot rails. Parents take in the scene, kids dig in the tidal flats, and Labradors swim in the shallows, eagles swoop overhead...and the world is wonderful.
The kayaks come out and provide a viewing platform for violet coloured sea stars, scurrying crabs and schools of herring.
Low tide exposes long rocky reefs jutting out into the water, great for beachcombing and watching gooey ducks and other clams spurting small fountains of sea water into the air.

And the view goes on forever and ever....
At the Montague Marina, rental kayaks are awaiting intrepid paddlers for an afternoon cruise arond the cove.
The marina gift shop sells 'essentials'....these ones sure not to reproduce.
A profusion of summer blossoms make up for the delayed arrival of warm weather. Blackberries are only now in full bloom, so the sweet harvest for the wandering boater will be later than usual.
Another couple of days here in Montague, then heading somewhat more north to start my stint as Park Host in Pirate's Cove. No internet there, so blog updates will be spotty - at least until I am back in cyber friendly waters.